Monday, November 30, 2009


a conversation between me and adi:

me: adi...kat sini xde parking tuk peg sc eh?
adi: eh..cik yati da bwk kete ke?
me: (tersimpul malu~)
adi: oooo...kayo2..manyak duet..
me: xdela..kete pnjam je..
adi: awok bli kete gapo?
me: myvi...silver.
adi: awok parking mano?
me: blkg tu haa...sian kete sy uhuk2 :P
adi: laaa...apsal cik yati x parking kt parking peg sc..?
me: ade eh? sy mane tau..
adi: dlu cik faz sllu parking c2
me: cik faz pki kete ape?
adi: kelisa..
me: oooo
adi: tp ade org parking situ..cik yati ckpla ngn org tu cik yati nk parking situ.
me: sy mane tau org tu sape, xkn nk cr 1 spital ni kot
adi: ala..blk ni cik yati tgkla sape yg bwk kete tu then ckpla ngn die nnti, xpon awok bwkla clamp..hahahahhaha!!
me: gilo mu..xkn sy nk hurung clamp plak, hehe
adi: xpe..nnt cik yati nmpk org tu ckp je..yela tu kn parking cik yati
me: awk rs ptut ke sy wat cmtu? sian org tu..mybe die igt peg sc. br xdtg lg, xpon mybe die igt sy xbwk kete..awk rs ptut ke?
adi: eh..ape plak...tu hak cik yati..mmg da terang2 tulis c2 peg sains
me: eh?haa..yela..nnti blk sy g tgk..hehe

after 5, i walked slowly to my car..n i saw blue kelisa moving out from 'my parking' aku xnmpk sape dlm tu. then bile aku nk kua dr gate, kelisa tu sngje duk kt dpn gate tu xmo kua...hisy org ni sje nk knekan aku ke ape ni?skli aku tgk ade kpla tjongol kt tgkap kete tu...ADIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!siot ko knekan aku..!!! then bile ktorg same2 benti dpn klinik pakar nk punch card, die duk gelak2..geram aku tgk muke die. bile aku da smp umah die call say sorry and start from tomorrow i can park at that covered parking. tp pg td...aku nmpk kete lain plak parking c2, i think en.ali pny..hmm..hmm...wat shud i do???hahahha..xkn nk kene announce aku da bwk kete..hehe, biala..cuaca skg pon redup2 je. I was thinking to wash my car sbb bnyk minatang kecik2 melekat time lalu jln dr tmrloh ke jerantut, mybe this evening i will ask pipi to accompany me..tlg acik ye pipi hehehe :D

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wak Tunggu Giliran

huhu..that's the name given by Hidd's brother, abg sham when he looked at my car..siot jer..dahla aku xdpt WTF,,eeeiii menci..(xsuke tgk kete WTF sbb aku xdpt:P )

i got my MyVI SE on Thursday and drove back to Banting on the same day..thx to Hidd coz accompanied me. My plat no. is WTG spe2 tnmpk aku tkedek2 kt tgh jln tu jgn lak p hon..hahahahhaa:P sian tau aku br nk blja bwk kete. but hidd said i tend to drive fast..yela 1st time bwk pon da blasah 120km/j, sbb aku dh bese dgn die yg sllu bwk laju kot..lgpon hiway..hahahhaa :D

today...i went to office with my new car..hins..hins..kmbang jap idung hahahha.
pagi tadi anta die g bus stand to buy ticket to KL, as the bus will depart at 10am,we back to office..lepak jap..then anta die blk g bus stand..sob2, sdey best kalo die keje cni.. trigt..asal aku sengal g bus stand bkn nk bli tiket blk kl jumat ni..adeh..sengal2!!
dhla kaunter tu tutup after 5.tpkse ajk jaja g mlmni..hahaha..alsn nk kua tu je sbnrnye :P

btw..ade org park kt parking aku la...MLT aku ni yg duk apikan aku ckp tu park tuk peg sc terang2 die tulis..hmm...abestu nk wat cmne?xkn nk bwk clamp kot hahahaha..

The e~

for those who still do not know..I am getting engaged on 12th Dec (lunch time), so this is unofficial invitation for you to come to my engagement at my house Lot 2758, Jln Sg. Kundang, Kg. Kundang, banting...btw u can search at Google map hehehe (for those who havent yet been there), I've marked en.mohd siran's house.

wajib datang:
hidd's family

harus datang:
CRC mate
biochem mate
and the list goes on....

aku phm kalo ade yg xdpt dtg coz bnyk knduri kwen time2 cuti skolah ni..lg2 ujg thn, and i had an argument with him bout the date actually, tp xpela...jnji mjlis bjln lncar, lgpon tunang je kn..huhu kwen lain cite...yg harus tu pon da jd wajib (but for the engagement yg wjib tu mmg wajib, xtkecuali okeee, kalo x, aku xmo kwn korg..huhuuu)

hantaran lelaki
watch - done
shoes - done
shirt - done
perfume - done
bju mlyu - done
sejadah - done
buah anggur - x done
kek - x done (a.zaky sponsor yeay!)
potpouri - done
kuih - xde idea lagi..ade spe2 nk sponsor?ehehehe
sirih - x done
coklat - x done (nk fidani plzz!!!huhu)
wallet n belt - done

goodie bag - almost done, only have 1 day to settle it
make up and mini pelamin - done
cuti - x apply yet
sms notification (invitation) - x done

ade pape yg aku lpe x?
thx to hana and kaii tmnkan aku cr brg hiasan hntran ritu..huhu mst pnt gler kn :P
t korg nk tung aku tmn plak ehh...hahahha

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Langkawi and Sabah

I went to Sabah for 3 days training, huh..i can say the course is so boring..and the trip as well, xbyk amik gmb pon coz juz jln2 kat town..and as u know..xde ape pon kt sne..huhu.
then, I went to langkawi with my family..I was so excited bcz this is 1st time for me bwk mak and adik jln2. We were staying at Langkasuka..hmm, not bad..i give 3stars (eventho the resort is 4stars hotel hahahha)

some pics:
cable car for 3rd time..

Pulau beras basah..

mak muka tkut..hahaha, aku p lgkawi lagi sumpah die xbg aku naik lg bot

with my sis @ pulau beras basah

Pulau dyg bunting..again

look at the fishhh...gelimat..hahhaha

mak and fish spa

ahhh..tensi aku nk upload gmb lg..selo!!!

i mish kecggihan internet n PC kt CRC.....huuu..sob..sob...

Ampang or Jerantut?

huhu I am very confused now....
I attended EQA training at IMR for 2 days, met Science Officer all over Malaysia..learned about QA program for Biochemistry lab.
Datuk had called me yesterday, asking where am I and ask me to go to CRC tomorrow (which is today) for a meeting with Veeda, Gribbles and GE Company.. I've appointed as Science Officer for Phase 1 project..
huhu I am confused, is that mean that my placement in Ampang is confirmed?How the procedures?How it can be confirmed as Ive never filled up any pertukaran form?is there anybody done it for me?impossible..but Datuk is like pretty sure. Dr. maurice had briefed me my job description, and yes..Im quite ok with the JD, but I dont think I will do the lab work..wearing labcoat, goggles and so's just not me. I am responsible for purchasing of the lab equipment like refrigerator, centrifuge, freezer etc...
well..for ok with both, being transferred to ampang or just staying in jerantut (as Im going to have my own car..hehe finally!!)heheh..sonok jgk jd bos kt jerantut :P
tp..I want to live in KL/Selangor..cant afford be apart from my family and Hidd.
ooppss..I also had rejected the interview offer for Science officer at UKM..I think I shudnt be greedy, give chance to other people..
my dearest frenn...what do u think???ampang or jerantut?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1st day

830 pagi- bergerak dr rumah ke hospital , thx kak nor n suami krn mghantar sy dtg lpor diri, temankan sy ke bhgn pentadbiran..but yg plg xbest ade sorg jaga tbe2 halau sy n fmly kua dr ofis tu (wpun sy dh bgtau sy dtg lpor dr n nk jmp pngrh), sdgkan masa tu sy da bg surat tawaran sy kat kerani dpn tu..kuang asam!!cmtula gayanye org xsdr diri, mcm pgkat tu besar sgt!!kesian k.nor n yg lain2 kne kua. then kerani tu pgl blk since kt lua pon cm pns..

900 pagi-mengadap pengrah hospital tuk sign surat aku janji as a government servant. he gave me some advices since aku akn jadi Ketua Unit to be firm n let me decide for any decision, not my staff..eventho they are very senior.

1000 pagi- aku dibawa ke lab, bjumpa dgn MLT kanan kat cni, die bwk aku round 1 lab..bknl2 dgn sume staf d sini. There are 7 MLT U29 and 2 MLT kanan U32 so total 9 staff.

1030 pagi-try tgk dokumen2 yg mlmbak2 dlm blk aku ni, cube pahamkan mcmne cara mngmnt kat cni, tgk fail meje peg sains yg lama etc..mcm2!!
ade beberapa changes yg dah ade dlm mind aku:
1) buat tklimat (CME)pd semua nurse or whomever take the patient blood to follow procedures spy xmnyushkan org lab kne return blk sampel, tp bila pulgkan blk still d same..tension2..
2)tadi aku rjin2 p agkat telefon kat hema section, org tu nk ckp dgn org bhgn blood xboleh smbg trus, need to go back to operator n give the right extension, ape sistem ini??mnyushkan...n 1 lg..kalo section dpn ade call org dr section blkg kne brlari kedepan, mean dorg xleh pick up gune fon lain..haih!!!suppose radicare shud know how to solve this.
3)nk dptkan pc baru tuk ganti pc aku yg selo ni, xpon upgrad RAM, ade ke ptut gne vista but RAM juz 512MB..huhu selo la sy nk buat krja..heheh!!(yeke)

500 ptg- blk umh..sggh TF bli brg n bli grg pisang

600ptg- smp umah, mnd, solat, mkn...

830mlm-off to bed..hahahhaa (awl gler seyh!!)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

sy di kuantan..

sy di CRC kuantan td p jkn kuantan diorg ckp baru dpt surat dr KKM, mntak kami dtg blk kul 2, wat the ****!!!tau x aku ni dtg dr kl kul 5 pagi, smp kuantan kul 8 dgn hrpn nk settlekan sume cpt..haih..xleh mnyumpah, aku ni nk kje gomen..hahahaa!!

td p lepak mkn bfast kt 1 kdi..(recommended by Hidd's fren), pg2 da mkn nasi blauk..adeh..prt xdpt nk terime hahahaa, brt sgt kot for bfast.

now lpk kt crc kuantan.thx for bee chiu...lend me some stationeries, and mintakkan dr.selva to certify my certs.

ape jd kpd nsb sy..???xsaba sy nk tgu kul 2. bile tau cite sha yg die dicadangkan ke hosp tumpat tp dtmpatkan di hosp tnh cm nk nanges dgr, hopefully sy x terima nsb yg sme..amiinn..
