Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wak Tunggu Giliran

huhu..that's the name given by Hidd's brother, abg sham when he looked at my car..siot jer..dahla aku xdpt WTF,,eeeiii menci..(xsuke tgk kete WTF sbb aku xdpt:P )

i got my MyVI SE on Thursday and drove back to Banting on the same day..thx to Hidd coz accompanied me. My plat no. is WTG spe2 tnmpk aku tkedek2 kt tgh jln tu jgn lak p hon..hahahahhaa:P sian tau aku br nk blja bwk kete. but hidd said i tend to drive fast..yela 1st time bwk pon da blasah 120km/j, sbb aku dh bese dgn die yg sllu bwk laju kot..lgpon hiway..hahahhaa :D

today...i went to office with my new car..hins..hins..kmbang jap idung hahahha.
pagi tadi anta die g bus stand to buy ticket to KL, as the bus will depart at 10am,we back to office..lepak jap..then anta die blk g bus stand..sob2, sdey best kalo die keje cni.. trigt..asal aku sengal g bus stand bkn nk bli tiket blk kl jumat ni..adeh..sengal2!!
dhla kaunter tu tutup after 5.tpkse ajk jaja g mlmni..hahaha..alsn nk kua tu je sbnrnye :P

btw..ade org park kt parking aku la...MLT aku ni yg duk apikan aku ckp tu park tuk peg sc terang2 die tulis..hmm...abestu nk wat cmne?xkn nk bwk clamp kot hahahaha..


  1. woooo welcome to MyVi famili.hahahaha

  2. YATI!!! Lam tak jumpa! Aku baru terjumpa blog ko! hehe aku baru gi Banting last week hehe
