Thursday, February 17, 2011

kalau dah namanye 'ex' yg meroyan..engkaulah.

Of course, who could forget the Sagittarius that plays a big part in my life. The famous ex. Let’s call him Mr. H. Mr. H showed up accidentally in my life in 2003. We were together on and off for almost 3 years, in a very serious relationship. He did influenced a lot of things in my life, good or bad. We lost contact officially in 2010 after he got engaged. I am thankful that I met him, at least I learned a lot about life and myself when we were together. The relationship had opened my eyes to a lot of bigger things around me.

this post is taken from her today - 18 Feb 2011.

gila! gila! gila! itu je sy boleh sy ckp..
words highlighted in red itu yg plg gila!!
ko suka nk mereka ceriata kan si penglipur lara..ur previous entry pon bykkk sgt ko mereka cerita..ckup2lah tu..btaubatla weii..jgn nk menagih simpati with the untrue story tuu...

whyy..after 5 years..

cukuplah2 tuu..penatlaa..penaaatttttttttttttt...

sy xde tmpt lain yg boleh sy ckp psl ni but my blog. sy bukan ppuan gila nk pegi serang2..i still hv my dignity..tpulg kt ko la..
like hid said: anjing menyalak bukit, bukit xruntuh..
huh!!! u re soooooooo0000ooo pathetic!!!



  1. o ade ek peribahasa anjing menyalak tu?hehe.biar je.kalau dia nk ajar perang br perang.kalau tak ko tgk je dengan patheticnye ;p

  2. lisa..hahahaha..aku cuma xphm knp la org cmni pon ade..haiihh..come on la..move on!
