yesterday i called peg sc at temerloh hosp. there was a prob voiced by nurse in charge of ward during the management meeting last month and I am as a person in charge of lab is responsible to this matter. they complained about sample urine cns that has been rejected by temerloh sbb leaking pdhal diorg dah seal btul2 container tu. so, i want to find out..kat mane blakunye leaking tu, coz my MLT and PPK had checked before the sample going out, either mse on the way to temerloh or kat lab sane sndr. so i proposed nk buat 1 buku despatch yg akn di sign by org kaunter kt lab sane upon receiving the sample, mean check all are in a good condition before send to MLT in charge, so...taula mgkin bnda tu tumpah mse otw. then sc. officer tu nme die ***** leh plak cm nk mrh2 aku n nk cari slh aku blk..die suh ktorg buat sume test gune container yg sme tuk urine cns (wic is mhl sket) so xde la nurse gune slh container, kalo spital ni bapak aku yg pny lehla..nk kuarkan bajet sesuke ati.
die ckp PPK die xleh nk cek 1 1 botol tu mse accept, sample ade byk n xcukp mase..aku phm kalo korg pon ade mslh tp xleh ckp leklok??bile aku ckp..'' mslh kurg org la eh'..nk jugak die bangkang ckp aku 'ni bkn mslh kurg org, tp kurg mse' ape ke bodohnye ko, kalo kurg org so mse yg dperlukan pnjgla..kalo rmi so mse dpt dikurgkan, lgpon..kurg org leh tmbh..kurg mse ko leh tmbh ke?admit jela ape aku ckp..nk jugak bidas..haih!!seb bek la aku ckp dgn pnuh polite smlm, mmgla ko senior tp ko tetap 41 same je cm aku, so xyahla nk blagak sgt ok!! bile aku tny dgn MLT aku, die ckp ppuan ni mmg cmtu..dlm miting pon mmg betah sgt n xleh dibidas..agk2la weh..bkn ko sume btul, xslh pon nk admit slh...bluwekk!!!mmg xkn liaise dgn ko lg la...
ahakss..... no komen la mem! hehehee