Wednesday, December 16, 2009

am i happy???

alhamdulillah..everything was done very well instead of his family was coming a lil bit late..pak imam, abah, mak and all relatives were waiting for about 1 hour, but i cant put all the blame on hidd, poor him...but at the end of the day, everyone was happy..yuhoo...!!
pics will be uploaded later since my internet connection in jerantut hospital is very slow + some pages are blocked, damn!!i need to refresh again and again to 'penetrate' the page..hehehe

btw thanks to my friends who were coming for my engagement ceremony:
-ina and hubby
-ani's friend
-k.ida and hubby
-ezaty, faiez, asmida, k.nani, diyana, iza, faizal (intended to come)

and also all the wishes from:
- uki
- arien
- k.xura
- syed
- k.siti
- akma
- sha
- grace
- zaidi
- cc rohaya
- farihan
- helmi
- hairani
- a.zul

doa untuk rafiq yang telah menaglami kemalangan hari jumaat yang lalu, semoga cepat sembuh and kepada k.nani..harap bersabar kerana sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa bersama orang2 yg sabar..amiinn..

ok i happy working here?????

work in kl or jerantut,there are pro n cons:

in KL:
- close to my family, my friends, entertainment etc...i can get whatever i want in KL
- the technology is much2 better,good connection of internet, fax machine, scanner, colour printer, photocopy machine etc.
- close to shopping mall, more expenses but i am satisfied...

in jerantut:
- far from my family, my friends, entertainment etc..luckily, k.nur's house got astro...if not, i think by 8.00 pm i will fall asleep..huhu
- here in jerantut (specifically in my lab) got no fax machine, no photostat machine, maxis line is suck, got no soft copy of letter head (alasan: ni beli dari percetakan.huh?percetakan tu dpt dari mane?), my pc is very slow etc.
- got no shopping mall..most of the shops are closed during weekend, got no watson, guardian, mcd, pizza..
- spend more money to bus ticket to kl/ jerantut, car fuel, car service, toll etc..
- need to get used with their (kelantan, terengganu and pahang) culture, food and language as well..

but..i am so thankful that i am employed compared to people who are unemployed, and today...i got my 2 months salary..huhuhuuu!!!!xsaba nk blk this evening..the bus will depart at 6.00 pm and arrive to kl at 8.30 i guess.

and i am so glad when en. wan told me this morning that 1 of my staff (which is PPK) was caught/ arrested by policeman last night. dia selalu ponteng kerja and in 1 month i can see him just only 4-5 days...can u imagine that??k.nur cakap die supplier n minum ubat batuk, huhu senang nk dpt ubat batuk sbb keje kt hospital haha, n i told her that even he is working in hospital it doesn't mean that he can get it easily, it must be prescribed by doctor. huhu..pengarah..plz give me 1 more staff to replace him, kesian my 2 PPK.


  1. hello.
    happy belated engagement day..
    (can i say that???) XP

    btw, sorry cannot come to your engagement day.
    Have an important wedding event in hometown... huhu~

    All the best & selamat menyambut awal muharram..

  2. nak gambaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

